- FAQ for Instructors
- Increasing SET Response Rates
- Instructor Reports
- Current Response Rates
The transition to SET, which is managed by the Holistic Teaching Evaluation Oversight Committee–a committee that includes faculty, students and staff, will ensure that the forms fulfill the dual purposes of providing information to students to help them choose what classes to take, and providing information from students to help evaluate an instructor’s teaching.
Will removing the quantitative summary questions have a negative impact on students’ or the department’s ability to evaluate the course and the instructor? What will be considered as a successful teaching evaluation?
Answer: It is true that students and evaluators will no longer be able to use these “overall” scores to form a quick (but potentially biased) assessment of a course or instructor. However, the questions on the current form provide a more authentic insight about the quality of the course.
On Monday of Week 9 each student will be notified that they can now submit their SET forms via the Evaluations site. The evaluation window will close for students at 8am on Saturday of Week 10.
Instructors have the option of adding up to 5 custom questions to their forms. These questions may use a Likert-scale (Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree) or ask for an open-ended response.
If you would like to pose specific questions to your students, you should submit these questions on the Evaluations site (for SET). More information about writing and submitting custom questions is on these pages. The deadline to enter properly formatted custom questions is the day before SET starts (SET starts on the Monday of Week 9).
The HTOC team is working on the SET functionality so that departments/programs will be able to add a set of custom questions to their faculty’s SET forms. Please check back here soon for more information!
If you are looking for the SU23 and beyond SET results, please go here:
Inform and encourage students in class. We cannot stress how important this is. SET will not be successful without faculty encouragement! For more guidance and ideas, check out these tips for increasing student response rates.
SET uses data from the Registrar to identify all team-taught classes and generate a survey for each instructor listed. Please update all information with the Registrar!
Instructors have the option of adding up to 5 custom questions to their forms. These questions may use a Likert-scale (Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree) or ask for an open-ended response.
If you would like to pose specific questions to your students, you should submit these questions on the Evaluations site (for SET). More information about writing and submitting custom questions is on these pages. The deadline to enter properly formatted custom questions is the day before SET starts (SET starts on the Monday of Week 9).